The Writing Club for Sample Paragraphs and Essays Monthly Membership by Mrs. Vanessa Cunningham
$3 each month gets you access to download printables that have examples of paragraphs and essays to help you understand the structure of paragraphs and essays.
IMPORTANT: This is a growing library which means EACH WEEK a new printable will be added until it has all of the following:
3 examples of narrative paragraphs
3 examples of narrative essays
3 examples of descriptive paragraphs
3 examples of descriptive essays
3 examples of expository paragraphs
3 examples of expository essays
3 examples of persuasive paragraphs
3 examples of persuasive essays
THE WHY: The purpose of this club is for kids to see what good writing looks like in example paragraphs and essays so they can create good writing themselves after looking at the models.
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